Thus Spake ZarathustraThe Georgia Guide Stones, Stone Hinge, 2001 a Space Odyssey and the Ten Commandments: is there a connection? Yes. The elites are talking to us through the movies which the media monopoly which they control has produced. It is no coincidence that the Georgia Guidestones produced by their Freemasons were destroyed during the Great Scamdemic - the fraudulent promotion of a non-existent pandemic by a virus which very likely exists only in computer generated DNA sequences. The reason why the Guidestones had to be destroyed was because they were a monumental testament to the murderous intentions of the elites to reduce the worlds population to only one half billion people from the present 8 billion people - a genocide of 7.5 billion human beings.
Why Does the SARS CoV2 Binding Sites Before the failing fiat money scam of the banksters cause them to reduce the world's population and the level of scientific achievement to that which existed before the erection of Stone Hinge people should ask themselves what makes British aristocrats and French celebrities say such things as these: "Humans are a plague on the Earth that need to be controlled by limiting population growth".
Sir David Attenborough "I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."
"In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it."
Jacques Cousteau And why Russian intelligence officers make such statements as this:
Vladimir Kvachkov The Russian Military Intelligence Perspective No one wants endangered species to become extinct or to live in a world so crowded that life would not be worth living. This does not explain the misanthropy of the elites. It is their religion which tells them that they are gods and that the rest of the world is their cattle that does that. The best way to keep the world from overpopulating is by increasing the world's level of education and living standards so that it has a large middle class in which people do not need large families or government social programs to support them when they get older in the context of true democratic republics not the fraudocracies that we have now. But this means giving up control and without control the elites are just like everybody else. The best way to understand the misanthropy of the elites is to examine the wellspring of their belief systems. Secret societies were created throughout Europe during the 19th century headed up by members of the "Jewish race" according to Benjamin Disraeli who knew what he was talking about because he was the prime minister of Great Britain and an associate of the super-rich family who created and funded them - the Rothschilds.
"Queen Victoria believed her family descended from King David (of the Biblical Old Testament) and sanctioned circumcision. Prince Charles was circumcised by a mohel (a rabbi who specializes in circumcision). Princess Diana decided that Princes William and Harry would go uncircumcised. However, it is suspected that William was later circumcised in his teen years when it was announced that he went into hospital for a hernia operation (regarded as code for circumcision.)"
By and large the elites are what Rabbi Alon Anava calls the "Mixed Multitude" - people of mixed gentile and Jewish origins. They include the Rothschilds, the Winsors and Adolf Hitler. These are "Jews" who have married into the Christian aristocracy of Britain through the female line in order to obtain the wealth of the British aristocracy. They have not left their "Jewish roots" behind but consider themselves to be divine heirs of the Jewish promises in the Bible. They control Judaism and unlike the Jews of the first century AD (as in the lineage of Jesus Christ as described in the Book of Matthew) they trace their ancestry through their mothers and not their fathers. This is a scientific absurdity but it is certainly an effective means of concentrating wealth into Jewish hands.
According to Kitty Kelly the British aristocracy are not well educated as they already "have it made" they do not bother to go to college. If they took a course in Mendelian genetics they would realise that they can not trace their lineage through their mothers. A female can inherit one of her 2 X chromosomes from her father so she can not trace her line from mother to mother back to some hypothetical female ancestor (i.e Sarah). This is not true of the male because a male can only inherit his Y chromosome from his father. So a male can trace his ancestry from male to male back to some hypothetical male ancestor (i.e. Abraham). He would have the same Y chromosome as this distant ancestor but all the other chromosomes of this ancestor would have been diluted out to nothing within 5 generations. Thus the Y chromosome can be used as a "genetic marker" but the X chromosome can not be used in this way. Another biological misunderstanding among the elites is the idea of "racial purity." Theologically, the idea of racial purity can be thought of in creationist terms. But if God wanted people to be racially pure then he would have made us haploid with only one set of genes like the bacteria. We would all be clones and reproduce asexually by splitting in two. But no! We have 2 sets of genes one set from our mother and another from our father. We are diploid not haploid. This is the reason for sex. It was not that Adam needed someone to help him with the dishes, and pots and pans; the great majority of animals (even the hermaphrodites like the snails and other low lifes) are diploid. Why diploidy? In diploid organisms inbreeding leads to the unmasking of recessive genes most of which are harmful and some of which are lethal. But a few of these genes have potential to make the organism more adaptive when its environment changes. That is the basis for the evolution of the higher organisms. A haploid organism like a lowly bacteria will die if one of its essential genes gets mutated. But a diploid organism has a spare for every gene that it possesses and so it can carry a much higher genetic burden than a haploid organism. With the greater genetic burden comes a higher evolutionary potential that gives the diploid a selective advantage over the haploid, and the greater the gene pool the greater the selective advantage! Sociologically, the fact that the American birth rate has fallen to barely the replacement level has more to do with the old adage "the rich get richer and the poor have children" than people eating Bill Gates' GMO foods designed to make everyone sterile. Compared with the rest of the world Americans are rich. They do not have to have large families to work on the farm because farming has become industrialized. The middle and upper middle classes do not see a large family as a benefit as do the lower classes whose income increases with their fecundity. Someone has to do the hard work. And this is the main reason for the push for immigration at the beginning of this century as it was at the turn of the last century. The immigration came from Europe during the last century but now Europe is now in the same situation as the US due to its increase in living standards. This is not about world population growth control. It is about an endless secret war between Judaism and Christianity that was officially declared in the middle ages but that has been going on since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the first century AD. Saint Paul and Saint Peter the founders of the Christian Church were amongst its first victims. Their crime was that they were trying to get Jews to mix with gentiles.
"Edward I banished the Jews from England for many grave offences endangering the welfare of his realm and lieges, which were to a great extent indicated in the Statutes of Jewry*, enacted by his Parliament in 1290, the Commons playing a prominent part. The King of France very shortly followed suit, as did other Rulers in Christian Europe. So grave did the situation for the Jews in Europe become, that an urgent appeal for help and advice was addressed by them to the Sanhedrin, then located at Constantinople. This appeal was sent over the signature of Chemor, Rabbi of Arles in Provence, on the 13th January, 1489. The reply came in November, 1489, which was issued over the signature of V.S.S. V.F.F. Prince of the Jews. Secret societies were created to destroy Christianity (both the religion of Christianity and the Christian aristocracy of Europe) from within.
"It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads
It is a hard pill for Christians to swallow but their Old Testament - the parts which Christian preachers deliberately ignore - is full of genocide and deceit. Even the Old Testament god supports lying. The book of Ester (which is the Purim celebrated basis for the hatred and fear of gentiles among Jews, probably the basis for the holocaust myth in Judaism, and the only Book in the Bible which is not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls) should not be in the Bible at all. In fact the attitude of the Talmud toward deception, combined with the story of how Jacob obtained his blessing undermines the entire credibility of the Bible far more than the theory of Evolution. If one assumes that the Talmud was written by the true spiritual descendants of the people who wrote the Hebrew texts, the Bible is nothing more than a propaganda pamphlet for a tribal god. The tribal god of Judaism gave blessings to a lying trickster and put a lying spirit into the mouths of his prophets so that Ahab would ride to his death..
Now why would an Almighty powerful creator of the universe have to fake out an insect on a speck of dust circling one of his trillions of stars by trickery in order to get rid of him? Since the Talmud says that is OK to lie to Gentiles and even requires Jews to lie under certain circumstances; and the even the Torah says that the Jewish god lies by proxy, is it any wonder then that 52% of Jews say that they do not believe in God at all?
So the moral of the story is that lying tricksters will get blessed and rule the nations; you will get blessed if you help them seize power; you will be cursed if you oppose them - great Machiavellian argument. Richard III could not have put it better himself.
"I'll drown more sailors than the mermaid shall, I'll slay more glazers than the basilisk, I'll play the orator as well as Nestor, Deceive more slyly than Ulysses could, And, like a Sinon, take another Troy, I can add colours to the chameleon, Change shapes with Proteus for advantages, And set the murderous Machiavel to school. Can I do this,and cannot get a crown?"
The Kennedy Curse and the Fake Yitzhak Rabin Assassination Stunt If Christians (and indeed all gentiles) do not swallow that pill they stand in grave danger of extinction because they are considered to be a separate and competing species to those who control their world.
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