lo Why Does SARS CoV 2 Like Only non-Ashkenazi ACE2 receptors?

  Why Does SARS CoV 2 Like Only non-Ashkenazi ACE2 receptors?  


Why Does SARS CoV 2 Like Only non-Ashkenazi ACE2 receptors?

ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity

Dr Lee Merritt has made the connection between 9/11 and the scamdemic depopulation agenda. The very un-American Project for a New American Century raised the possibility of using bio-weapons against the enemies of the neocons.

This fits in with Protocols 10 and 7 of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. As Henry Ford has said, the predictions of the Protocols fit what had happened till his time in the 20th Century. They fit what has happened in the 21st Century.

"it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else...

we replaced the ruler by a caricature of a government - by a president, taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures, our slaves.

if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan."

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (pdf)

You don't have to believe that the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" are genuine to believe that Zionists have genocidal intentions toward all non Jews. Just read your bible or the genocidal verses in the Talmud. But the protocols do fit in quite nicely with the eugenics of the COVID 19 scamdemic.

So why have the Protocols been so suppressed even to the point of making it a crime punishable by death in the old Soviet Union to have a copy in your possession? As Dr. Merritt has said when you are over the target you always get a lot of flack.

Dr Lee Merritt - Covid "Vaccine" is Selective-Bioweapon Designed Spare Ashkenazi Jews

We do not know what were in the toxic vaccines given to the people who got the fatal blood clots. The toxins in the different batches may have been different. Given the gradation in toxicity the vaccine manufacturers were obviously conducting a dose - response study to determine the LD50 of the toxins that they were using. An LD50 is the dose at which 50% of the animals (i.e. people) die.

Here is an excerpt from a Reiner Fuellmuich forum with some health experts talking about the Scamdemic stats.

Calibrating Genocide

Being good de-nazified Europeans, the Fuellmuich group naturally brings up the Holocaust and the Nurenburg war crime trials where German prisoners were kicked in the groin until they confessed to crimes of which they were innocent.

Fuellmuich's favorite American judge, Justice Brandeis, was likely a Zionist war criminal himself because he conspired with other Zionist to destroy both Germany and the Russian Empire - a conspiracy which led to the death of millions of Christians.

"In the U.S., in July 1917, a special mission consisting of Henry Morgenthau, Sr., and Justice Brandeis's nephew, Felix Frankfurter, was charged by President Wilson to proceed to Turkey, against which the United States did not declare war, to sound out the possibility of peace negotiations between Turkey and the Allies.

In this, Wilson may have been particularly motivated by his passion to stop the massacres of Armenian and Greek Christians which were then taking place in Turkey ...

Weizmann, however, accompanied by the French Zionist M. Weyl, forewarned, proceeded to intercept them at Gibraltar and persuaded them to return home. ...

I asked him if Weizmann had told him how the special mission had been aborted. He replied that Weizmann said that the Governor of Gilbraltar had held a special banquet in their honor, but at the end all the British officials withdrew discreetly, leaving the four Jews alone. "Then," said Weizmann, "we fixed it." "

Robert John on the Balfour Declaration

Weizmann also participated in the genocide of Orthodox Christians during the Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution in Russia which was financed by Jewish bankers - the same bankers who funded all sides of both world wars.

"Yale said he had a talk with Weizmann "somewhere in the Mediterranean in 1919," and asked him what might happen if the British did not support a national home for the Jews in Palestine. Weizmann thumped his fist on the table and the teacups jumped, "If they don't," he said, "we'll smash the British Empire as we smashed the Russian Empire." "

Robert John on the Balfour Declaration

Israeli President Chaim Weizmann was very non-discriminatory in his attitude toward Gentiles.

"We hate equally anti-Semites and philo-Semites."

...Chaim Weizmann

Controversy of Zion: The League to Enforce Peace

Actually, I believe that Weizmann was not being honest in his letter to Lady Crewe. I believe that Zionists hate philo-Semites far more than anti-Semites otherwise they would not have cooperated with the Nazis in funneling Jews into Palestine and provided the Nazis and Neo-Nazis with so many of their leaders.

According to Mike Piper Zionists virtually run the Journal of Historical Review which gives the false impression that the German concentration camps were filled with only Jews. London Times reporter Douglas Reed was there and said in his "Controversy of Zion" that the German concentration camps contained at least 90% non-Jews.

I know first hand what Martin Luther meant when he said that Jews play all sorts of mean tricks on gentiles. I was a philo-Semite myself and used to drink Manischewitz and Mogen David all the time. They are very good sweet wines except when put on sale on a table prepared especially for Christians during Easter in Winn Dixies. Then they taste like vinegar.

It is no surprise to me that Reiner Fuellmuich wound up in prison. Nobody likes an ass-kisser.

"Even God does not like ass-kissers."

...Roseanne Barr

Eustace Mullins on the Biggest Lie Ever Sold

Note the drop in the German population due to WWII - about 6 million. Isn't that interesting?

The main problem that the Jews who were too sick to work and made it to the eastern camps faced was that the Allied bombers were destroying the German infrastructure (roads and bridges) and Allied fighters were shooting anything that moved, even farmers on their tractors. The result was that famine and disease spread not just all over Germany but all over Europe as well for the Allies had also block-aided the entire European continent.

The German doctors were so overwhelmed by the conditions in the concentration camps that they sent their sickest inmates to Bergen-Belsin. Bergen-Belsin was a camp set up just for the terminally ill. The mass grave at Belsin used by propagandists to demonstrate how evil the Nazis were and to prove that the Holocaust stories were true was actually the result of what the Allies were doing.

Millions died so that the Zionists and their stooges could bestride Germany and the rest of Europe going "cock a doodle do."

In time their carnage was transformed into the "Holocaust" as a means of driving Jews that the Nazis had rounded up for them to Palestine where a Zionist state and endless battles with the native population were waiting.

The Biblical Warrant for Genocide

"And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ...

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every
woman that hath known man by lying with him.

But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Numbers|31:15, 31:17, and 31:18

Well, that is just ancient history, isn't it?

"Israel used biological weapons even before it was created on Arab soil in 1948 and ever since. The purpose, according to Ben Gurion, is genocide...

In his 220-page continually updated report, entitled: Bioterrorism and Biocrimes: The Illicit Use of Biological Agents since 1900, dated February 2001, Dr W Seth Carus of the Center for Counterproliferation Research, National Defence University, Washington, DC, lists the following subtitle, p.87:

"the cholera outbreaks in Syria and Egypt received extensive attention in the international press. The first report about the cholera in Egypt was published in the Times of London on September, 1947, p4. By the time the final cases appeared in January 1948, 10,262 people died."

He also states that the outbreak in Syria is much smaller. It was limited to two towns, about 60 kilometres south of Damascus, i.e. close to Palestine border. The first report appeared in the New York Times on 22 December, 1947, p5."

"The Syrian army formed a cordon sanitaire and the casualties were limited to 44, including 18 deaths. Soon after, the Beirut French-language newspaper, Orient, reported that several Zionist agents, who employed cholera to disrupt the mobilisation of the volunteers' army, were arrested."

Traces of Poison: Israel's Dark History Revealed

A Grown up View of the Bible

Some people, horrified about what Zionism has done and is doing to the world, are ready to chuck Christianity (upon which Western civilization has been built) out of the window. Christianity came out of Judaism and Judaism is evil they say.

But scholars have determined that the bible (the old Testament) is actually two bibles - one written by the "Northern Kingdom of Israel" and the other written by the "Southern Kingdom of Judah."

"Much of the Old Testament is best seen through the lens of two related rivalries, one between Israel and Judah and the other between two circles of priests..."

"Who Wrote the Bible?" by Richard Elliott Friedman

That, presumably, is why there are so many contradictions in it.

"I am reminded of a conversation about the Bible I had several years ago with a skeptical friend. When he asserted that the Bible contained contradictions, I hastened to correct him-- there are no contradictions in the Bible, I said, only apparent contradictions.

In retrospect, I see that he was right; there are contradictions, and they aren't hard to find. There are two creation stories, two flood stories, and two instances of Moses bringing water from a rock, to cite just a few well-known examples.

And as if to top all the contradictions off, D calls P a lie, using the startling wording, "the lying pen of scribes." Finally, in what must be one of the most astounding ironies of all time, someone known as R (the Redactor) combined all these disparate sources into one document, which forms the core of the Old Testament we have today. "

"Who Wrote the Bible?" by Richard Elliott Friedman

Douglass Reed in his "Controversy of Zion" gives, I believe, the correct interpretation of the situation - that Christianity evolved from the universal religion of the kingdom of Israel while Judaism evolved from the racist tribal religion of the kingdom of Judah.

"today's authorities agree about the separateness of "Israel" and "Judah". In the Old Testament Israel is often called "the house of Joseph", in pointed distinction from "the house of Judah".

The Jewish Encyclopaedia says, ''Joseph and Judah typify two distinct lines of descent" and adds (as already cited) that Judah was "in all likelihood a non-Israelitish tribe". The Encyclopaedia Britannica says that Judaism developed long after the Israelites had merged themselves with mankind, and that the true relationship of the two peoples is best expressed in the phrase, "The Israelites were not Jews".

Historically, Judah was to survive for a little while and to bring forth Judaism, which begat Zionism. Israel was to disappear as an entity, and it all came about in this way:"

The Contorversy of Zion: The End of Israel


  Why Does SARS CoV 2 Like Only non-Ashkenazi ACE2 receptors?  


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