I have no complaints!  


Are Cellphones the Twonkys of the Fraudocracy?

I remember watching an actor saying on a TV show that there are only about 7 or 9 plots used by Hollywood and that these plots are used over and over again. If a robot from the future coming to plague mankind in the present is one of them then surely the Terminator has its origin in the 1953 science fiction comedy "The Twonky."

And since Hollywood plots seem to have become the mainstay of Fraudocracy mind control ("The Lone Gunmen" and 9/11 is an example) then surely the modern cellphones, smart-phones, and other portable communication devices are Twonkys.

"The terrorism in Milchan's film Brazil made in the 1980s shows amazing prescience of our world today. Milchan showed similar prescience of the events of 9-11 in his first film, The Medusa Touch (1978), in which a Boeing 747 crashes into a skyscraper. Later, in 2000, a remotely-hijacked aircraft is flown into the World Trade Center in the pilot episode of "The Lone Gunmen," a television series produced by Arnon Milchan's close friend and business partner, Rupert Murdoch."

Censorship in the 9-11 Truth Movement:

The Twonkys will not let you think out side of the box and if you try to they will zap you so that you will keep saying "I have no complaints" all in the guise of serving you and your everyday needs.

They are constantly watching you with their videocams, listening to what you say with their microphones, and taking notes on every move you make on the Internet. Practically every site that you visit asks you to sign a privacy agreement that legally allows them to spy on you. And if you don't sign it they will spy on you anyway and there is nothing that you can do to detect it.

The result is that you live in a "concentration camp of the mind" as Christopher Bollyn used to say and you don't even know it! You have no complaints in the modern day superstate!

The Twonky


  I have no complaints!  


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