Another pseudo-science is what we might call "the science of scarcity" or "economics." It is divided into 2 branches: One branch is called Keynesian economics dedicated to a Ponzi scam that says "we are all dead in the long run" so lets live it up at the expense of our posterity. Mortgage their future to the banks. They will own nothing and be slap happy about it!
"If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied." The other branch of this pseudoscience is called "Austrian economics" or blathernomics which is lucid in only one thing and that is exposing the Keynesian fallacy. But it uses such repetitive and abstruse arguments that you have forgotten what the fallacy was all about as you study the blather and have forgotten your name as you continue to study. You get only one thing out of such an exercise and that is a hypnotic desire to return to the gold standard with gold being the one and only currency that you should use. The BF Skinner book "Beyond Freedom and Dignity", widely held to be a blueprint for mass mind control uses a similar pedagogy. Skinner takes a very simple well known idea: that animals will do tricks for treats and beats it to death repeating it ad-nausea in endless vague variations. The school of teaching that Skinner founded is called "programmed learning." "Programmed learning" was found to be a very poor method of teaching but understanding does not appear to be what it is all about. The book "Economic Concepts a Programmed Approach" purports to use the "Socratic Method" engaging in "frames" or exercises that try to draw out from the student what the programmer puts into his head. It has no index or references which is very odd for a college text book. And what does the Austrian blathernomics professors try to put into the heads of its students?
"Bring back the good old days of the great depression when bankers with inside knowledge could get a 700% return on their investments by making put options. After you go broke and sell the company you spent a life time building for pennies on the dollar you can always blame your bad luck on the Rothschild stooges in congress and the White House and the Rothschild controlled freemasons who run the US court system for their pleasure." The great Depression was not caused by a bumbling government that did not know what it was doing. It was caused by a 30% contraction in the gold-backed money supply. The people who caused the Great Depression still have a monopoly on the world's gold supply and frequently meet in London in order to set the world wide price of gold. And who are these people? According to the Israeli Russian and Jewish Christian Israel Shamir: although Jews constitute only about 2.5 percent of the US population about 50% of the billionaires in the US are Jews. Now, how did that happen? Consider the "anti Semitic" fact about who the perpetual owners of the Federal Reserve are:
Rothschild Bank of London Let's not get anti-Semitic about it, so why not make that 100% of the billionaires being Jews? After all, blessed are thee homeless for they shall inherit thee shopping carts! The Austrian school does give references - mainly to other blathernomic textbooks. It gives no references to the "money cranks" which it vaguely cites only to ridicule. It complains about the "German historical school" but gives no references to its arguments. The reference to the "money cranks" by the Austrian hypnotists is obviously a back-handed slight to Louis Even whose cartoons can teach you more about the bankster fraudonomics than all of their blather put together.
It is interesting to note that the bankster Oliver in this story looks like Edward G. Robinson, a Jewish actor who played a mobster in the movie "little Caesar." This was the Hollywood version of the life of Italian mobster Al Capone. At least that was what the movie-goers believed at the time of its release. As usual for Hollywood, it is pure fantasy bearing no relationship to reality much like Hegelian Austrian/Keynesian fraudonomics. In his The Lost Science of Money, Stephen Zarlenger conclusively demonstrates that what passes for economics today is only the propaganda of the money power; that money does not organically grow out of free trade but is a function of government; that when government disappears money disappears; that usury causes a grossly disproportionate concentration of wealth into the hands of those who control the money; and that those who control the money are the government - all else being the trappings of a fraudocracy.
William Jennings Bryan vs. Nathan Mayer de Rothschild:
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